Cellulite Treatments
Nearly all women experience cellulite somewhere on their bodies during their lifetime. With effective treatments at Izar Wellnes Institute, we can help you eliminate unwanted cellulite using our unique signature technique. You can diet and exercise every day of the week and still develop it. Cellulite appears when the fat that lies just beneath the skin is pulled down by fibrotic bands of tissue and is estrogen induced.
Women develop cellulite more often than men because of the construction of their connective tissue. Women are also more prone to cellulite more than men due to the architecture of fibrous bands is not vertical, as it is in males.
Factors that may be at play:
Genetics: Some people are predisposed to developing cellulite based solely on genetics
Diet: Eating processed foods can cause inflammation and worsen cellulite
Poor lymphatic drainage and venous drainage
Lack of exercise
There are ways to minimize the look of cellulite. People who maintain a healthy weight, eat a diet rich in lean proteins, fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and healthy unsaturated fats can keep their cellulite from being too noticeable. Unfortunately, once it forms, no lifestyle changes will make it go away.
There are many creams and treatments on the market which claim to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Be aware that the results are unproven and ineffective at reducing the orange-peel look of your skin.
Dr. Rafael Nieto only uses state-of-the-art therapies that are proven to eradicate cellulite that can appear anywhere on the body. After treatments, you can wear shorts, bathing suits, and sleeveless tops without worrying about showing off dimpled skin.
Want to learn more about cellulite treatments in our medical spa in Charlotte, NC? Contact our office or book an appointment using our online booking tool.