Acupuncture is one of the main treatment options in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Very thin, sterile needles are inserted at acupuncture points and left there for 20-30 minutes in order to exert their therapeutic effect. Our licensed acupuncturist has successfully treated many patients for various medical concerns including migraines and other debilitating headaches, allergies, acute or chronic joint aches and pains, tennis elbow, shin splints, back and neck pain, anxiety, insomnia, vertigo, nausea associated with chemotherapy or pregnancy and much more. Acupuncture is safe at any age even for small children and in most circumstances including during pregnancy or in patients taking blood thinning medications.
Facial Rejuvenation
Chronic pain/fatigue
Digestive system
Smoking cessation
Weight loss
Medical Spa located in SouthPark, Charlotte, NC
Are you ready to learn more about Acupuncture or book your appointment? Contact our office at 980.206.4377 or use our online booking tool.